Uber Party
An Uber platform that provides a delivery service for everything you need to have a party. From stereo equipment, to decorations, cups, and alcohol if available (21+). The idea coincides with amazons warehouse method in that there will be Uber party warehouses in hub cities and desirable locations such as college campuses and large cities.
Product Innovation. Group Project. For this project, we investigated the current market to see what was new value that we could bring to a project or a service. After researching, we found an opportunity gap for Uber and proposed a new service — Uber Party.
Opportunity Gap
How It Works
Team Members
Alex Falbo: Survey Data, Data insight, Market Evaluation
Henry Duckworth: Future plan, Low fidelity model
Ian Fulton: Research, Survey Data, Visual Presentation, Marketing Evaluation
Lijiang Fu: Research, Survey Data, Data insight
Qi Fu: Research, Logo Design, Ideation, Final model